How to Use the Linux Ping Command

How to Use the Linux Ping Command – The Linux PING command, or what can also be called an Internet Groper Packet, is a utility that will make you fall in love with its capabilities! The main task of this command is to manage the status of network connectivity between source and device over an IP network.

How to use the Ping command

Several methods can be used by Webinar Linux users to test connectivity between two networks:

Check Connectivity

To check the status of the target host and server or computer, you can run a simple command. In addition to the domain name, you can also use the IP address of that domain.

Number of ECHO_REQUEST specifications

The -c command option is used to determine the number of packets or requests sent by the user. Here is the syntax display:

  • ping –c *
  • The * sign indicates the number of pings you want to run

Linux Ping with Voice Notifications

The -an option in the Ping command will make a beep to check whether the host is active or not. Here is the command:

  • ping –an
  • If you want to end the ping process, press CTRL + C.

Set the interval

The -I option in the Linux ping command allows users to set inter-packet processing intervals in seconds. The following command has the same structure as the previous command:

  • ping –I 2 –c 7

Receive a Ping Linux Network Summary Only

If you want to receive only the network summary, enter the -q option on the Linux terminal command line:

  • ping -c 7 -q

In this case, you still use the -c 7 option to run seven requests. However, because of the -q addition, you only receive a network summary. That’s the discussion about how to use the pink command Webinar Linux. Hopefully, this article is useful.

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